CCI - Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator

Crypto AML Certification

Developed by a former U.S. Federal Investigator and a seasoned financial compliance expert.

Advance Your Career As A Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator

Crypto AML Certification

Get an edge with blockchain, bitcoin, dark web, cryptocurrency and more. Designed for law enforcement, legal, accounting and finance; cryptocurrency knowledge gives you an edge.

The Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI) course equips you with fundamentals and insights you need for the crypto era.

cci - crypto aml certification
CCI - Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator

crypto aml certification

Designed For You By a former U.S. Federal Investigator And Experts In Financial Compliance.

What People Say

“Excellent course content and very informative. This course will provide you with the requisite knowledge and tools to conduct any cryptocurrency investigation. It is a must for all financial investigators and compliance professionals.”
Thomas E. Manifase CFE, CAMS
Executive Director, Investigations at Morgan Stanley Corporate Security
“If anyone is looking for a course that will help them with conducting investigations relating to cryptocurrency and the blockchain then I can not recommend this course enough. The course was able to provide everything I was looking for when it comes to understanding the new risks associated to new technologies, how to track, trace and monitor cryptocurrency transactions and/or crypto crimes and how to have effective measures in place to overcome these issues.”
Patrick Hoey, CCI
Compliance – Coinbase
“This is a perfect course for all the AML compliance professionals willing to begin their careers in cryptocurrency investigation or compliance in cryptocurrencies. The course is covered in 5 elaborate modules and takes you through various stages to clarify your understanding about cryptocurrency its various types, underlying blockchain technology, its evolution, cryptocurrency investigation and much more. It is detailed with ample case studies discussed by great facilitators and most importantly the detailed video presentation about BIG’s investigative tool QLUE which helps one to understand and follow cryptocurrency trail. I recommend this undoubtedly excellent course to all my fellow compliance professionals. Learning about Cryptocurrency investigations cannot get any easier!”
Sushma Pawar, CAMS, CCI
Former AML Team Lead at Promontory Financial Group, an IBM Company
“This was a great course and the delivery was fantastic for keeping the student engaged. I really enjoyed it, so thanks to all who put it together. Online training is hard to build but the content and delivery were well pitched. This is great for a Law Enforcement and Compliance audience. I will be sharing throughout my network and wish you all the success."
Graham Baldock
Chief Compliance Officer /MLRO – Anglo-Gulf Trade Bank
“Great course- Well designed! I found the course informative and relevant. it is structured in such a way so as to make for easy reading and comprehension of the key concepts relating to dark web and cryptocurrencies and its implication on financial crimes and money laundering . The highlight of the course is the understanding of the investigative techniques involving cryptocurrencies which i believe is a necessary skill for all forensic and compliance professionals.”
Lalith Balasubrahmanyam, CCI
Senior Manager- Forensic practice at Protiviti

Developed By

Industry-leading authority and SME on cryptocurrency investigations, methodologies, and best practices. Distinguished career leading complex criminal investigations, cohesively orchestrating a lot of moving parts. 

Robert Whitaker


Global risk and compliance leader with broad experience in financial services, investigations, AML and compliance with specific focus on blockchain technology and reducing risk.

Teresa Anaya

BSA/AML Officer at TrustToken (formerly Director Financial Institution Strategy)

crypto AML certification

Any question? please feel free to contact us.