Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator™

Learn to investigate crypto and criminal activity.

Crypto investigation training designed by a former U.S. Federal Investigator and BSA Compliance expert.


Newest Certification Course!

Advanced Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI-A)

The Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI-A) Training program is an all-encompassing certification designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency investigations. This extensive training includes advanced modules, offering a holistic approach to understanding and investigating cryptocurrency-related activities.

Developed By

Robert Whitaker, MLS, GCert, CCI-E, CCI

Law Enforcement Affairs

Ret. Supervisory Special Agent, Illicit Finance & Proceeds of Crime Unit, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations

Global expert on the online criminal element, cryptocurrency and dark web investigations. Distinguished public service career leading complex international financial crime investigations.

(Blockchain Intelligence Group前首席运营官)

退休。 美国国土安全部非法金融和犯罪收益股监督特工,国土安全调查

在线犯罪元素、加密货币和暗网调查的全球专家。 杰出的公共服务事业领导复杂的国际金融犯罪调查。

Director de operaciones en Huobi Nevada
(Anteriormente COO Blockchain Intelligence Group)

Retirado Agente Especial Supervisor, Unidad de Finanzas Ilícitas y Producto del Crimen, Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU., Investigaciones de Seguridad Nacional

Experto global en el elemento criminal en línea, criptomonedas e investigaciones de la web oscura. Distinguida carrera en el servicio público liderando complejas investigaciones de delitos financieros internacionales.

Teresa Anaya CFE, CAMS, CCI, CBP, ITIL

BSA/AML Compliance Officer, Archblock (formerly TrustToken)

Seasoned leader with global experience in financial services, investigations, AML, BSA, and regulatory compliance with a focus on blockchain and risk reduction.

Thomas E. Manifase CFE, CAMS

Executive Director, Investigations at Morgan Stanley Corporate Security

Excellent course content and very informative. This course will provide you with the requisite knowledge and tools to conduct any cryptocurrency investigation. It is a must for all financial investigators and compliance professionals.

CCI Certified
Cryptocurrency Investigator

CCI is the most engaging and coherent course on the fundamentals of crypto risk monitoring, due diligence and investigations. It is the first step to standardizing your, and your team’s, understanding of how criminals use crypto to defraud innocent citizens and organizations. The course equips you with foundational knowledge about cryptocurrency, illicit methods, use cases, and the Dark Web. Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the credentials of a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator.

CCI es el curso más atractivo y coherente sobre los fundamentos del monitoreo de riesgos criptográficos, la diligencia debida y las investigaciones. Es el primer paso para estandarizar su comprensión y la de su equipo sobre cómo los delincuentes usan las criptomonedas para defraudar a organizaciones y ciudadanos inocentes. El curso lo equipa con conocimientos básicos sobre criptomonedas, métodos ilícitos, casos de uso y la Dark Web. Realice los 5 módulos y apruebe el examen final para obtener las credenciales de un Investigador certificado de criptomonedas.

CCI 是关于加密货币风险监控、尽职调查和调查基础知识的最具吸引力和连贯性的课程。 这是标准化您和您的团队对犯罪分子如何使用加密货币来欺骗无辜公民和组织的理解的第一步。 该课程为您提供有关加密货币、非法方法、用例和暗网的基础知识。 参加所有 5 个模块并通过期末考试以获得 认证加密货币调查员.

CCI Featured Reviews

CCI Modules

The CCI imparts foundational knowledge about cryptocurrency, illicit
methods and uses of crypto, and the Dark Web.

Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the credentials of a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator.

Crypto Investigator Module 1:
Introduction to Cryptocurrency

Covers the basics of fiat, virtual and cryptocurrencies and how it is used in legal and illegal manners. Learn about the many different types of cryptocurrency. Lays the foundation for law enforcement, financial institutions and financial crimes investigators to gain a firm and vital understanding of what cryptocurrency is, how it works, and how it can be used in both legitimate and illicit activities.

CCI Module 1
CCI Module 2

Crypto Investigator Module 2:
The Bitcoin Trail

Explores the most dominant cryptocurrency and how related criminal activity is investigated. Explores who invented Bitcoin, and the reasons why and how it is being used. Delves into cryptocurrency mining, common criminal schemes where bitcoin is used, and how Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance professionals and law enforcement investigate related criminal activity using advanced analytical tools.

Crypto Investigator Module 3: Cryptocurrency and the Criminal Element

Overview of the part of the internet commonly used by criminals and their criminal enterprises. Students learn of additional crimes where cryptocurrency is involved, how criminals use peer-to-peer exchanges, and little-known real-world investigation tips.

Crypto Investigator Module 4: The Dark Web

Reveals the criminal element of cryptocurrency and how to identify and track the evidence left behind. Students are introduced to insights that are crucial to investigators, such as how dark web marketplaces and cryptocurrencies work together and how they translate into the physical world.

Crypto Investigator Module 5: Blockchain Forensics

Students enhance their ability to identify the proper investigative tactics related to crime involving cryptocurrency, and gain an understanding of how blockchains work and the pseudo-anonymous nature of cryptocurrency, giving investigators the ability to efficiently and quickly analyze the data to spot illicit activity and/or support criminal investigations and prosecutions.

CCI Module 5
CCI Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator

CCI All 5 Modules

Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the credentials of a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator. Crypto Investigator Module 1: Introduction to Cryptocurrency Crypto Investigator Module 2: The Bitcoin Trail Crypto Investigator Module 3: Cryptocurrency and the criminal element Crypto Investigator Module 4: The Dark Web Crypto Investigator Module 5: Blockchain Forensics Final exam for CCI certification

CCI Module 6

Crypto Investigator Module 6:
Advanced Cryptocurrency Concepts

This course is for people who have completed modules 1-5 or have a good understanding of cryptocurrencies. Advanced cryptocurrency analysis will broaden your understanding of the bitcoin transaction protocol and how transactions are associated by using clustering methods. We will explore the many ways in which crypto users can leverage technology to obfuscate their payment trails. This course will also examine evolving protocols that will likely impact Bitcoin, events that have led up to their development, and what protocols the Bitcoin community is moving away from.

Crypto Investigator Module 7: Dex and Defi

Decentralized finance or Defi as it is known in the crypto space, is an ever evolving and rapidly changing finance industry. This course aims to provide a fundamental overview of the key components of Defi and how they operate. Each section describes at least one example of a working product that implements the concept which users may try today. As time progresses, new decentralized apps (dApps) will be created, destroyed and combined together to grow the decentralized financial system.

CCI Module 7

Crypto Investigator Module 8: (CCI-E)
Advanced Ethereum Course

This module is designed to teach the audience a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the Ethereum network. Concisely, this includes a history of the network, the ethereum protocol, the ERC-20 standard, smart contracts, proof-of-work (PoW) versus proof-of-stake (PoS), the main issues plaguing Ethereum and how they are expected to be resolved in the near future. In addition, this course will introduce the potentially vast utilization of Ethereum, the main difference that distinguishes Ethereum from Bitcoin, and a short introduction of how Ethereum aids DeFi (as this will be further expanded on in another module). Finally, the module concludes with an analysis of Ethereum clustering techniques, dissection of the Ethereum blockchain explorers, and a brief demonstration of how Ethereum investigations may look on Blockchain Intelligence Groups’ own QLUE™ investigation platform.

Crypto Investigator Module 9:
Hacks and Exploits

This module covers various attack vectors in the blockchain and crypto space, including phishing, social engineering, infrastructure attacks, and coding exploits. It also addresses best practices for self-custody and secure storage.

CCI, CCI Module 9, Hacks & Exploits

Crypto Investigator Module 10:
Compliance and Risk Management

Focusing on managing risks associated with digital assets, this module provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and mitigating risks in the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.


The Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator Advanced (CCI-A) Training program is an all-encompassing certification designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency investigations. This extensive training includes advanced modules, offering a holistic approach to understanding and investigating cryptocurrency-related activities.

Upon successfully completing the course and passing the final exam, you will receive a certification valid for one year. This certification demonstrates your proficiency in cryptocurrency investigation and is a valuable asset in your professional toolkit.

Maintaining Your CCI-A Certification:

Cryptocurrency technology and investigation techniques are constantly evolving. Our certification is valid for one year to ensure you stay at the forefront of the industry. Before it expires, you’ll need to enroll in a top-up course and pass the exam to renew your certification for another year.

*All advanced courses below won’t earn any credentials.

New Learning Path

Master Crypto Investigations by enrolling in this Learning Path today and elevate your crypto investigation skills to new heights!

Master Crypto Investigations

The CCI Master Crypto Investigations learning path offers a comprehensive and dynamic learning path designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and expertise required to excel in the field of crypto investigations. This learning path consists of 10 modules + 2 Final Exams, each carefully crafted to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of the crypto landscape.

Free Module

This course is exclusively for law enforcement professionals. Please note that only users with a Law Enforcement Email Domain attached to their CCI training platform account will be approved for enrollment.

Law Enforcement Introduction To Digital Assets

Law Enforcement Introduction to Digital Assets is a specialized course for law enforcement professionals. This course provides a solid foundation in understanding digital assets and cryptocurrencies, equipping participants to effectively investigate and combat crypto-related crimes.

If you've recently signed up, it will take 1-2 business days to check your account. After the review, you will receive a confirmation email from us.

* If you don’t have a CCI training platform account, please sign up first (it’s free!).

CCI Free LEO Module

Advanced Partnership Training

We are proud to announce our latest advanced training module in collaboration with partners worldwide. We have developed enhanced training programs focused on digital assets investigation to bolster the skills of our CCI investigators.

Operational Simulator

The Operation Simulator addresses the limitations of traditional blockchain investigator training tools. It introduces the ultimate solution not only for maintaining operational competence and continuously enhancing investigative skills but also for measuring and managing them effectively.


General Questions:

CCI, or Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator™, is a comprehensive training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required for effective crypto investigation.

Consisting of 5 modules and a final exam, this course provides a deep understanding of cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain analysis, and investigative techniques. By dedicating approximately 9 hours to complete the training, participants can obtain the prestigious CCI certification by achieving a score of 80 or higher in the final exam

Whether you’re a compliance professional, law enforcement officer, or simply interested in the field, CCI offers valuable insights and expertise in the world of crypto investigation. Start your journey today and enhance your capabilities in this rapidly evolving industry.

Both. There are multiple lessons in each module, and at the end of each lesson there is a short quiz. Then, at the end of each module there is a test. Finally, at the end of all the modules there is a final test, which is the test you need to pass to earn the credential of Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator.

Not at all. The only technical abilities needed are being able to view and click on webpages.

Tech Questions:

Your Internet connection speed for playing and streaming videos should be at least 512 Kbps.

To test your Internet speed, visit SpeedTest.net and review your results.

Users should have one of the following browser versions installed to access course content/play videos:
Google Chrome 64 or higher (Recommended Browser)

  • Firefox 58 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 11 or higher
  • Safari 10 or higher
  • Opera 50

Cryptocurrency Training Academy requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. If you encounter any difficulty with elements displaying on the site (i.e. video players, log in forms, etc.), you may have security software or browser plug-ins/extensions blocking the playback or scripting. Try temporarily disabling your security software as a test, or configure your security software to allow playback, cookies, and JavaScript from domains Cryptocurrency Training Academy platform uses.

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