

由前美国联邦调查员和 BSA 合规专家设计的加密货币调查培训。



Advanced Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI-A)

The Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI-A) Training program is an all-encompassing certification designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency investigations. This extensive training includes advanced modules, offering a holistic approach to understanding and investigating cryptocurrency-related activities.


Robert Whitaker, MLS, GCert, CCI-E, CCI

Law Enforcement Affairs

Ret. Supervisory Special Agent, Illicit Finance & Proceeds of Crime Unit, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations

在线犯罪元素、加密货币和暗网调查的全球专家。 杰出的公共服务事业领导复杂的国际金融犯罪调查。

(Blockchain Intelligence Group前首席运营官)

退休。 美国国土安全部非法金融和犯罪收益股监督特工,国土安全调查

在线犯罪元素、加密货币和暗网调查的全球专家。 杰出的公共服务事业领导复杂的国际金融犯罪调查。

Director de operaciones en Huobi Nevada
(Anteriormente COO Blockchain Intelligence Group)

Retirado Agente Especial Supervisor, Unidad de Finanzas Ilícitas y Producto del Crimen, Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU., Investigaciones de Seguridad Nacional

Experto global en el elemento criminal en línea, criptomonedas e investigaciones de la web oscura. Distinguida carrera en el servicio público liderando complejas investigaciones de delitos financieros internacionales.

Teresa Anaya CFE, CAMS, CCI, CBP, ITIL

BSA/AML 合规官,Archblock(原 TrustToken)

经验丰富的领导者,在金融服务、调查、反洗钱、BSA 和监管合规方面拥有全球经验,专注于区块链和降低风险。

Thomas E. Manifase CFE, CAMS




CCI is the most engaging and coherent course on the fundamentals of crypto risk monitoring, due diligence and investigations. It is the first step to standardizing your, and your team’s, understanding of how criminals use crypto to defraud innocent citizens and organizations. The course equips you with foundational knowledge about cryptocurrency, illicit methods, use cases, and the Dark Web. Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the credentials of a 认证加密货币调查员.

CCI es el curso más atractivo y coherente sobre los fundamentos del monitoreo de riesgos criptográficos, la diligencia debida y las investigaciones. Es el primer paso para estandarizar su comprensión y la de su equipo sobre cómo los delincuentes usan las criptomonedas para defraudar a organizaciones y ciudadanos inocentes. El curso lo equipa con conocimientos básicos sobre criptomonedas, métodos ilícitos, casos de uso y la Dark Web. Realice los 5 módulos y apruebe el examen final para obtener las credenciales de un Investigador certificado de criptomonedas.

CCI 是关于加密货币风险监控、尽职调查和调查基础知识的最具吸引力和连贯性的课程。 这是标准化您和您的团队对犯罪分子如何使用加密货币来欺骗无辜公民和组织的理解的第一步。 该课程为您提供有关加密货币、非法方法、用例和暗网的基础知识。 参加所有 5 个模块并通过期末考试以获得 认证加密货币调查员.





Crypto Investigator Module 1:
Introduction to Cryptocurrency


CCI Module 1
CCI Module 2

Crypto Investigator Module 2:
The Bitcoin Trail

探索最主要的加密货币以及如何调查相关犯罪活动。探索谁发明了比特币,以及为什么和如何使用比特币。深入研究加密货币挖矿、使用比特币的常见犯罪计划,以及了解反洗钱 (AML) 合规专业人士和执法人员如何使用先进的分析工具调查相关犯罪活动。

加密货币调查员模块 3:加密货币和犯罪分子


加密货币调查员模块 4:暗网


加密调查员模块 5:区块链取证


CCI Module 5
CCI Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator

CCI 所有 5 个模块

参加所有5节课程并通过期末考试,获得认证加密货币调查员证书。认证加密货币调查员1: 加密货币简介 认证加密货币调查员2: 比特币发展历程 认证加密货币调查员3: 加密货币和犯罪要素 认证加密货币调查员4: 暗网 认证加密货币调查员5: 区块链法证

CCI Module 6

Crypto Investigator Module 6:
Advanced Cryptocurrency Concepts


Crypto Investigator 模块 7:Dex 和 Defi

去中心化金融或 Defi,因为它在加密领域是众所周知的,是一个不断发展和快速变化的金融行业。 本课程旨在提供对 Defi 关键组件及其运作方式的基本概述。 每个部分至少描述了一个工作产品的示例,该产品实现了用户今天可能会尝试的概念。 随着时间的推移,将创建、销毁和组合新的去中心化应用程序 (dApp),以发展去中心化金融系统。

CCI Module 7

Crypto Investigator Module 8: (CCI-E)
Advanced Ethereum Course

This module is designed to teach the audience a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the Ethereum network. Concisely, this includes a history of the network, the ethereum protocol, the ERC-20 standard, smart contracts, proof-of-work (PoW) versus proof-of-stake (PoS), the main issues plaguing Ethereum and how they are expected to be resolved in the near future. In addition, this course will introduce the potentially vast utilization of Ethereum, the main difference that distinguishes Ethereum from Bitcoin, and a short introduction of how Ethereum aids DeFi (as this will be further expanded on in another module). Finally, the module concludes with an analysis of Ethereum clustering techniques, dissection of the Ethereum blockchain explorers, and a brief demonstration of how Ethereum investigations may look on Blockchain Intelligence Groups’ own QLUE™ investigation platform.

Crypto Investigator Module 9:
Hacks and Exploits

This module covers various attack vectors in the blockchain and crypto space, including phishing, social engineering, infrastructure attacks, and coding exploits. It also addresses best practices for self-custody and secure storage.

CCI, CCI Module 9, Hacks & Exploits

Crypto Investigator Module 10:
Compliance and Risk Management

Focusing on managing risks associated with digital assets, this module provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and mitigating risks in the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.


认证加密货币调查员 Advanced (CCI-A) Training program is an all-encompassing certification designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency investigations. This extensive training includes advanced modules, offering a holistic approach to understanding and investigating cryptocurrency-related activities.

成功完成课程并通过期末考试后,您将获得 有效期为一年的认证。此认证证明您在加密货币调查方面的熟练程度,并且是您专业工具包中的宝贵资产。

Maintaining Your CCI-A Certification:

加密货币技术和调查技术在不断发展。 我们的认证有效期为一年,以确保您始终处于行业前沿。 在到期之前, 您需要参加补充课程并通过考试才能将您的认证续期一年。

*All advanced courses below won’t earn any credentials.

New Learning Path

Master Crypto Investigations by enrolling in this Learning Path today and elevate your crypto investigation skills to new heights!

Master Crypto Investigations

The CCI Master Crypto Investigations learning path offers a comprehensive and dynamic learning path designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and expertise required to excel in the field of crypto investigations. This learning path consists of 10 modules + 2 Final Exams, each carefully crafted to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of the crypto landscape.

Free Module

This course is exclusively for law enforcement professionals. Please note that only users with a Law Enforcement Email Domain attached to their CCI training platform account will be approved for enrollment.

Law Enforcement Introduction To Digital Assets

Law Enforcement Introduction to Digital Assets is a specialized course for law enforcement professionals. This course provides a solid foundation in understanding digital assets and cryptocurrencies, equipping participants to effectively investigate and combat crypto-related crimes.

If you've recently signed up, it will take 1-2 business days to check your account. After the review, you will receive a confirmation email from us.

* If you don’t have a CCI training platform account, please sign up first (it’s free!).

CCI Free LEO Module

Advanced Partnership Training

We are proud to announce our latest advanced training module in collaboration with partners worldwide. We have developed enhanced training programs focused on digital assets investigation to bolster the skills of our CCI investigators.

Operational Simulator

The Operation Simulator addresses the limitations of traditional blockchain investigator training tools. It introduces the ultimate solution not only for maintaining operational competence and continuously enhancing investigative skills but also for measuring and managing them effectively.



CCI(Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator™)是一项综合培训计划,旨在为个人提供有效加密货币调查所需的知识和技能。

包含由...组成 5个模块期末考试,本课程提供对加密货币交易、区块链分析和调查技术的深入理解。 通过奉献 大约 9 hours 完成训练,参与者可以获得享有盛誉的CCI认证 实现 80分或以上 在期末考试中

无论您是合规专业人士、执法人员,还是只是对该领域感兴趣,CCI 都能提供加密货币调查领域的宝贵见解和专业知识。 今天就开始您的旅程,增强您在这个快速发展的行业中的能力。


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