
If you have any other question, please contact us: [email protected]


CCI(Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator™)是一项综合培训计划,旨在为个人提供有效加密货币调查所需的知识和技能。

Consisting of 5 modules and a final exam, this course provides a deep understanding of cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain analysis, and investigative techniques. By dedicating approximately 9-12 hours to complete the training, participants can obtain the prestigious CCI certification by achieving a score of 80 or higher in the final exam

Whether you’re a compliance professional, law enforcement officer, or simply interested in the field, CCI offers valuable insights and expertise in the world of crypto investigation. Start your journey today and enhance your capabilities in this rapidly evolving industry.



不,该课程最初在 48 个州获得执法学习认证。 我们 LMS 上提供的课程源自此课程。 但是,它没有得到任何国际实体的认证。


大多数问题都是选择题。 还有一些是非题和一些要求你将事物与其他事物相匹配的问题。



不,再次参加期末考试不需要额外费用。 同时,要获得 Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator 证书,您必须在购买模块后的一年内通过最终测试。

证书将于周一至周五上午 9:00 至下午 4:30 之间通过电子邮件发送(格林威治标准时间 – UTC-6)。 预计在完成课程后 24 小时内收到它们。

是的,自购买之日起,您可以在 1 年内访问您的帐户。1 年后,用户将无法再访问课程,但仍可以访问该网站进行重新购买。这会自动发生,不会通知用户 更新。

是的,我们很乐意提供批量折扣。 请通过 [email protected] 联系我们

是的,这门课程适合所有国家的每个人。 我们有来自世界各地的成员。

自购买之日起,您可以使用 1 年。

不,不涉及其他费用。 单个模块的价格包括这些模块中的所有培训及其相关测试。 购买所有模块的价格包括所有基于模块的测试和最终测试。 以及格分数完成最终测试后,您将获得认证加密货币调查员的证书。 证书不收取额外费用。

如果您居住的地区通常对您的购买征收销售税,那么这些销售税将添加到您的购买总额中。 否则,不涉及其他隐藏成本或费用。


Yes! CCI certification can significantly enhance your job prospects in the field of cryptocurrency investigation. Many employers and recruiting firms actively seek professionals with CCI certification, and they often approach us to verify our members’ credentials. This certification serves as a valuable asset during job hunting, showcasing your expertise and dedication to the field of crypto investigation. By acquiring the CCI certification, you gain a competitive edge and increase your chances of securing rewarding opportunities in compliance, law enforcement, cybersecurity, and related industries.

Yes, we offer bulk discounts for CCI training to accommodate teams and organizations. For more information on our bulk purchase options, please visit our dedicated page at https://cryptoinvestigatortraining.com/for-teams/.

You can reach out to our training support team directly at [email protected]. We’ll be glad to assist you with any inquiries regarding bulk purchases.

The Advanced Course offered by CCI delves deeper into advanced cryptocurrency concepts and specialized areas of investigation. It consists of multiple modules, including Advanced Cryptocurrency Concepts, Dex and Defi, and CCI-ETH: Advanced Ethereum Course. These courses are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and expertise in specific aspects of crypto investigation. To learn more about the content and details of the Advanced Course, please visit https://cryptoinvestigatortraining.com/advanced-cryptocurrency-training/

Currently, CCI training offers one main certification. By completing Modules 1-5 and passing the Final Exam, participants are awarded the CCI certification, which encompasses a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrency investigation.

For those seeking specialized knowledge in Ethereum investigation, the CCI-ETH: Advanced Ethereum Course offers the CCIE certification.

Looking ahead, we have the upcoming CCIA certification, which will provide even more advanced and in-depth knowledge of crypt investigation. Stay tuned for further updates on the CCIA program, as it promises to enhance your expertise in this evolving field of investigation.

不,不涉及其他费用。 单个模块的价格包括这些模块中的所有培训及其相关测试。 购买所有模块的价格包括所有基于模块的测试和最终测试。 以及格分数完成最终测试后,您将获得认证加密货币调查员的证书。 证书不收取额外费用。

如果您居住的地区通常对您的购买征收销售税,那么这些销售税将添加到您的购买总额中。 否则,不涉及其他隐藏成本或费用。


要获得 Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator 的证书,您必须在最终模块结束时的最终测试中获得至少 80% 的分数。

是的,您可以多次参加期末考试。 同时,要获得 Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator 证书,您必须在购买模块后的一年内通过最终测试。

不,您可以多次参加期末考试。 同时,要获得 Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator 证书,您必须在购买模块后的一年内通过最终测试。

All students that earn the credentials of a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator will automatically receive a personalized digital form of their certificate. If you would like to receive a physical copy as well, we are happy to provide one at fee of $50.00 to cover shipping charges. Please contact us at [email protected].


是的,这门课程适合所有人。 事实上,我们的许多 CCI 成员来自现有的金融或执法背景,并且仍然在课程中找到价值。

我们很乐意根据您的要求安排现场培训。 请通过 [email protected] 联系我们了解更多详情。 现场培训将根据您的需求量身定制。


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谷歌Chrome浏览器64或更高版本 (推荐)

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  • Opera 50

加密货币培训学院需要启用JavaScript的浏览器。如果您在网站上无法正常显示内容 (如视频播放器、登录表单等),可能是因为您的安全软件或浏览器插件/扩展阻止了播放或脚本。请尝试暂时禁用安全软件,或重新设置安全软件以允许加密货币培训学院平台使用的域的播放功能、Cookie和JavaScript。

仅在某些情况下才需要 Adobe Flash。

需要 Adobe Flash Player 10 或更高版本才能成功使用加密货币培训学院中的一些互动内容。 这是获取免费软件下载的链接。 http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html

对于同时使用 Windows 7 操作系统的 Internet Explorer 11 用户,需要 Adobe Flash Player 10 或更高版本才能播放加密货币培训学院中的视频。 这是获取免费软件下载的链接。 http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html

Flash 不需要为使用最新版本的 Chrome、Firefox 或 Safari 的用户播放视频。

如果您遇到视频暂停,则可能是数据传输速度慢。 如果您暂停视频并等待更多(或全部)视频下载完毕后再继续播放,则视频会不停地播放。 您可以通过查看播放器窗口底部的控制器栏来判断已下载了多少视频。 随着视频的下载,您会看到该栏从左到右填充为灰色。 一旦控制器栏完全充满灰色,视频就完成了下载。


为了加快故障排除过程,您可能需要包括浏览器类型和版本(例如 Internet Explorer 11、Firefox 58 等)、出现问题的 URL 以及问题的屏幕截图等信息。 本网站根据您的操作系统显示了几种截取屏幕截图的方法: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/

Please go to My Dashboard > Certificates and you’ll be able to view and download it from there. Our team will also send you the file via a FTP link. You can use this FTP link digitally (like in your email signature for example) to showcase your new certification online.